Visual Depollution Project

Understanding Space, the Spirit of Citizenship
and Love of the City
The care with the urban image induces the citizen to become aware of the respect and dignity resulting from their recognition of the effort and the seriousness of the municipal power in establishing conditions for their full use of the public space. It is within this context that the importance of an integrated project to control the visual aspect and urban identification is perceived, consolidating the image of the integrated municipality to the understanding of the citizen, creating the legal bases for the application of rules that guide the participation of the community.

The result of the work offered a set of physical and institutional propositions applicable to advertising devices, through the definition, specification and standardization of the elements that may be licensed by the City Hall, so that this Term of Reference subsidizes the Law Project / Regulations for the use of advertising devices in the city.
The examples of advertising devices below illustrate on the left side the situation prior to the Visual Depollution Project and those on the right side from the moment these devices fit the report's premises and in line with the Municipal Advertising Decree of the Salvador City.

Therefore, the draft advertising regulation favors its promotion, ordering visual manipulations and allowing the observer to read the various ranges of offers, assisting him in choosing the products or services that interest him, while encouraging him to understand the space and the spirit of citizenship and love for your city.